Electronic Waste

Yak E-recycling – Seems like a win – win, get rid of your electronic waste and benefit local youth in doing so.

The Frontenac Frolic, Saturday, August 3rd, 2013

Plan a great day for all the family. Join us at the Frontenac Frolic on Saturday, August 3rd. 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. Bedford Hall, 1381 Westport Road. Just 20 minutes west of Westport. This event is sponsored by the Foundation. Find new treasures in the large flea market. Place a bid on may outstanding silent auction items. Find books …

Algae Watch

Have you noticed an increase in Algae Blooms? RVCA needs your help. Go directly to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/plants-algae Download Algae Watch Poster

Bioblitz 2013

Your Lake Association is pleased to announce Bioblitz 2013 What is a Bioblitz? Small groups are guided by experts through a designated area to help record all living species creating an important conservation inventory of Bobs and Crow Lake! Download Bioblitz 2013 sign

Rideau River Watershed Flows Receding

April 24, 2013 – Flows in the Rideau River valley are at or near normal for the time of year and the potential for flooding is decreasing daily. The peak flow this spring occurred on April 1. Weather systems have been so erratic that heavy rains which were forecast several times since then did not occur. The result has been …

Algonquin Land – Claims discussions

The Government of Canada (Canada), the Provincial Government of Ontario (Ontario) and Algonquins of Ontario (AOO) released to the general public in December 2012 a document on the negotiated land claim discussions between these parties referred to as The Preliminary Draft Agreement-in-Principle (AIP) Meetings to “learn more about and provide comments to the Algonquin Land Claim Negotiations” were scheduled across …

Public Information Sessions

A heads up concerning your opportunity to give feedback to Federal and Provincial Governments concerning the Algonquin Land Claims. Public Information Sessions will be conducted across Ontario in early March which appears to be your only chance to question the Provincial and Federal Governments before the wheels of action on the land claims actually begin to turn. Detailed information on …