After many years of negotiations, the parties have just released the “Preliminary Draft Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement-in-Principle” for public review. This includes proposed terms, and maps related to the Land Claim. Note that a series of public consultations are planned for early 2013. FOCA will be publishing notice of these meetings, as information becomes available. Land claim – Bobs and Crow …
2013 Fishing Regulation Changes
Southern Ontario bass Season _Nov_13 Zone 18 final regulation changes for public notification
Bedford Mining Alert
2012 BMA Submission to PPS
“Be Septic Savvy” Workshop Presentations
Presentations are now available from the “Be Septic Savvy” Workshop that was held Saturday, August 18, 2012 at the Perth Lions Hall. Perth Septic Savy Aug 17_2012.pdf Septic Savvy – NR.pdf Water Quality Re-Inspection Presentation Aug 18.pdf Septic Savy – EK Aug-17-12.pdf
New MPAC Property Assessments
New MPAC property assessments have begun to arrive in the mail to homeowners in much of south central Ontario. For many, the new assessments are proving to be an unpleasant surprise. The Greater Bobs and Crow Lake Association will be participating in a FOCA (Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations) Conference later this month where where the FOCA organization is expected …
Climate Change – ‘How Do We Build Resiliency in our Lakes’
This is an early announcement for the 2012 Lake Links Workshop to be held Sat., October 20th at the Perth Civitan Hall. The focus this year is Climate Change – ‘How Do We Build Resiliency in our Lakes” This promises to be a very interesting day and an important learning opportunity – as well as an opportunity to connect with others from …
The Frontenac Frolic
Join us for The Frontenac Frolic at 10am – 4pm on Saturday August 4th, 2012 at the Bedford Hall The Frontenac Frolic Flyer Flea Market Flyer
We Are On Facebook!
The Greater Bobs and Crow Lakes Association is pleased to announce that we are on Facebook . We have done so in order to provide another forum for dialogue and interaction with both our members and with the public at large. To connect with our Facebook page use the Link below.
Be Septic Savvy – A Free Worshop
There is a free “Be Septic Savvy” Workshop for Saturday, August 18, 2012 at the Perth Lions Hall, Halton St., Perth. This will run from 8:30 until noon. Download Poster
2012 Annual General meeting
The AGM is scheduled for Sunday, July 29, 2012 at the Bedford Hall, 1381 Westport Road. A light lunch will be served at Noon with the meeting starting at 1:00 PM.