April 11, 2008

SF Official Plan Review. Taro Alps, GBCLA president, reported the township councillors at their “Committee of the Whole” meeting on Tuesday, April 8th, decided postpone any discussion or further action on restarting the clock for severances and permitting back lot development on private lanes. He reported the mayor and several councillors said they had received “hundreds” of emails and letters …

April 6, 2008

Important Supplement to April 1 entry : Last week I sent to you information on the review of the Official Plan in South Frontenac Township and two substantive changes that have been introduced by council members. The council will consider these proposals and other OP issues at its “committee of the whole” meeting this Tuesday evening, April 8th. My understanding …

April 1, 2008

South Frontenac Township Official Plan Review. The township council is in the final stages of its periodic review of the official plan. David Hahn has sent an email to his distribution list expressing concern about two proposed changes and, because of their substantive nature, the lack of sufficient notification and public input about them. The proposed changes pertain to severances …

February 2008

OMYA Annual Water-Taking Report. On February 21, OMYA will present to the public its annual report on the water-taking from the Tay River during the past year. Dr. Edgar Watt, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at Queens University and a specialist in hydrology and water resources engineering, will present his analysis of the data in relation to the terms of …