Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The earliest predecessor of the Greater Bobs and Crow Lakes Association was started in 1979, when a few long-time residents in the Eastern Basin became alarmed by potential threats to the Bobs Lake natural environment.

Since then numerous teams of dedicated volunteers have joined the Board of Directors to contribute their time and efforts towards that same first mission of protecting the natural environment of Bobs and Crow lakes.

The GBCLA is searching for a new leader to represent the interests of  hundreds of property owners whose enjoyment is directly related to the health of the lakes.  The President, as head of the Board of Directors, provides direction over all aspects of what the GBCLA Board does.  Our major programs include the marine hazard buoys, water quality testing,  member communications and semi-annual magazine, Annual General Meeting, education, plus many others.

The Association cannot be successful in meeting its mission statement without broad and strong relationships with all of our stakeholders, which typically all involve the President. Larry Arpaia our past President, will remain on the Board to assist with the transition to a new President. Past Presidents speak with enthusiasm on the personal satisfaction derived from making a significant contribution towards the continuing health of Bobs and Crow lakes, particularly in the era of Climate Change.

If this challenge or other of the vacancies below peak your interest, click the link to contact us to set up a time to discuss.

President: Vacant Vacant
Past President: Larry Arpaia
Membership Director: Rick Prudil
Marine Safety Director: Dick Johnston
Communications and Social Media Director: Christine Obbema
Water Quality Director: Bonnie Carabott
Treasurer: Carson Jen
Crow Lake Representative: Cindy and Jean Faucher
Crow Lake Gatekeeper: Mike Byrnes
Cottage Safety Director: Kathy Yach
Wildlife Director: Vacant Vacant
Acting President & Secretary: Lynn Watson
Fisheries: Dan Kano
Director at Large: Vacant Vacant