OPP & Security


OPP has jurisdiction over both Bobs and Crow lakes

The GBCLA and all Lake Associations in the area, attend an annual fall meeting with the OPP to review the regional incidents over the past year and updates to any OPP programs or services.   The GBCLA will publish a summary of all notable criminal activity or warnings from the OPP to seasonal and full time residents.  

Tips on Preventing Theft: 

Cottage security is an important issue for most owners as the vast majority are only on their property on a part time basis.   Given the relatively remote locations and  distances from OPP offices, cottage owners have to use their common sense to protect their property from property theft.   Here are the most common tips provided by the OPP.  

Thieves steal when it is "easy"

  1. Don't leave any firearms or weapons of any kind behind;
  2. If you are leaving a vehicle, make sure it is winterized, secured and disabled.  For snow machines, remove track and hide keys, ensure boats are covered and locked, outboard motors locked and slightly disassembled.  Disable ATV's - leave nothing on trailers unless locked or disabled.  "Lock it or Lose it!";
  3. Leave no valuables inside - electronics, personal items, tools, etc.  If you do then use an engraving tool to mark them so it can be easily traced back to you like a number.
  4. Sporting Goods or  - fishing rods and equipment, water skis, toys, etc.  If they are not secured don't expect them to be there next spring.
  5. The Shed:  They are easy to break into.   Leave nothing that can be easily sold by a thief.  
  6. Monitor:  Having a yearound resident check your place will notify you that something has happened sooner than later.  
  7. Secure your cottage windows and doors - The consensus leans towards closing curtains so intruders cannot see inside the building. 
  8. Inventory:   Prepare a list and take a photo of everything you are leaving especially for insurance claims.
  9. Identify who is your cottage property key holder for emergencies or install a lockbox with the key. 
  10. GBCLA Emergency Phone Card:  keep in a handy location with the OPP Non-Emergency Response number.