Q: What role will the GBCLA play in contesting questionable development around our lakes?
A: The GBCLA has assumed the role of stewards of our lakes. We want to do what is best for our water quality, wildlife, fish, forests, flora and fauna. Development on our lakes must go through a process that involves planning departments, environmental services and health and the neighbours community that will be affected by the development.
The GBCLA relies on our partners as the subject matter experts and we encourage their involvement in any questionable development. Our partners include the Frontenac Stewardship Council, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA), the Centre for Sustainable
Watersheds (CSW), and Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations (FOCA) amongst others such as our network of lake Associations. These organizations work with Townships to ensure that all information that is required is collected, that the defined process is followed and that the information is effectively communicated before a development is approved.
Q: Does the “government’ have access to the individual Shoreline Survey that I have just received on my shoreline property?
A: No! The intent of the shoreline survey is to engage you in helping to protect the lakes. The survey data will NOT be used for any regulatory purpose. And the Project partners will not share information on individual properties with anyone. The information that was collected on your property is for you, the property owner.
Q: I have just received my Shoreline Survey and appreciate the resource Section of the Binder. My Shoreline has a serious erosion problem and I am concerned that over the years I will continue to lose my shoreline. I want to do the responsible thing yet I do not have the money that is required to “save my shoreline”. What can I do?
A: The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority’s Shoreline Naturalization Program will conduct a free consultation concerning any shoreline that has a serious erosion problem. And since Bobs and Crow Lakes are part of the Tay Valley Watershed your property may be eligible for shoreline rehabilitation at no cost to you as a shoreline landowner? Check it out by contacting Meaghan McDonald at 613 692
3571 x1192.