Rideau River Watershed Flows Receding

April 24, 2013 – Flows in the Rideau River valley are at or near normal for the time of year and the potential for flooding is decreasing daily.

The peak flow this spring occurred on April 1. Weather systems have been so erratic that heavy rains which were forecast several times since then did not occur. The result has been a prolonged snowmelt period with the threat of flooding that, fortunately, did not happen.

As the frost comes out of the ground the capacity for water to infiltrate into the soil increases. Therefore, the amount of rain needed to cause a flood also increases. The rain presently forecast for the next five days will have little impact on flows.

Flows on the Ottawa River have been increasing over the last week and a peak early next week below flood stage around Lac Deschene is expected. Present conditions on the Ottawa River: http://ottawariver.ca

Residents still need to be cautious near all lakes, rivers, streams and ditches because the waters are cold and, in some locations, fast flowing. Parents should inform their children of the risks associated with such flows and provide appropriate supervision.

The RVCA flood forecasting and warning status will continue at “flood awareness” until the flood risk on the Ottawa River declines. Monitoring of weather forecasts and river conditions will continue in the daily planning cycle of the flood forecasting and warning program. Watershed Conditions Statements and Flood Watch or Flood Warning messages will be issued as warranted.

Watershed residents wishing to receive RVCA flood messages directly through e-mail can contact Michelle Paton at michelle.paton@rvca.ca or check our messages on Twitter (RideauValleyCA) or visit www.rvca.ca.


More Information:
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
613-692-3571 or 1-800-267-3504 (within 613 area code)
contact: Patrick Larson, RVCA Senior Water Resources Technician at ext.
1110 or cell 613-799-9423

“Rideau Valley Conservation Authority is a partnership of municipalities
within the Rideau Valley watershed
created under the Conservation Authorities Act to deliver a range of
programs in watershed management and
natural resource conservation.”